Friday, November 28, 2008

One Week Down

The before picture. Stay tuned for a guided tour of the after pictures.
From Blog

We moved into our new house one week ago (thanks go out to all the slave labor that helped us move!), and after one week I have a few observations:
  1. Light switches are never where you think they should be.
  2. The things that you need are never in the box that you think that they should be in.
  3. In fact, I'm still not sure if the things that I need even made it into a box.
  4. Packing is much easier than unpacking.
  5. Putting things together (beds, blinds, tv's) is also easier than unpacking, but has the added benefit of making it appear to your wife that you are indeed trying to be a productive member of society.
  6. Old crap in a new house looks exactly like old crap in a new house. Problem is the money is long gone and it will very likely be a long time before paycheck - house payment = anything more than zero.
  7. That's enough for now.
The strangest part about the whole thing is that I really mis my old house. We lived there for seven years. It was kinda starting to feel like one of the family.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thankful for...

From Blog

From Blog

I like turkey. In fact, I wish that it didn't find itself pigeonholed into this one little holiday. I think we should get together as families and cook a big freakin bird at least once a month. Turkey's yummy.

I don't, however, need to eat turkey to remind me of what I'm thankful for. Mirabel and Amber top my list, even when I'm grumpy with them, and I haven't forgotten it yet. I don't plan on forgetting anytime soon. I do, however, plan on adding one more thing to that short list in early March.

That's it for now. Amber's watching Iron Man and right now I'm especially thankful that there's room on the couch for me to sneak in next to her and pretend to watch it as well.

By the way, you guys without kids, your life sucks. Sorry, but it's true.

New Post! (for Brooke)

From SilverStreet Photo

I suck at this blogging game. Well, it's not so much that I suck, more so it's that I became disenchanted and chose to suck. Blogging for me had become a sales pitch. I'm not big on sales pitches so I quit. I quit posting to my blog. I quit reading the blogs of other photographers. I even quit making my students create their own blogs.

I'm over that now. I've been reading many blogs lately. No photography blogs, just the blogs of friends and family. Mainly Mirablog on which my lovely wife posts things that I already know about my lovely daughter, but I love reading them over and over again, and confessions of a rookie, a blog where an old friend from college rambles on about girl stuff that I probably shouldn't find interesting, but I do. It's mostly because of the rookie's blog that I'm typing this. She's very inspiring in her own way. Thanks Rookie.

I've decided that I have a couple of things to say again. Things that probably aren't important to anyone but me, but the act of typing them seems like a good thing right now. I'll still (well, I'll start to post again) photos, but I think I'll give someone out there (possibly just me) a little insight into what it's like to be me.

So...until I think of something good to say...?