After 4 days and 1223 miles, our local version of Wild Hogs finally returned home safely but not before visiting St. George, Mesquite, Las Vegas, Hoover Dam, Bryce Canyon, Zions National Park, and In and Out burger.
Nic is the 'cool' one on the right on the bullet bike while his two friends are sporting Harley Davidsons.
The open road
Hoover Dam
Bryce Canyon
At least I know they took a bath.
Aren't all you Bride and Grooms thankful for combs and the fact that Nic spruces up a bit before shooting your wedding. YIKES he can be scarey in the morning.
It took Nic a few days for his butt and legs to stop hurting from this adventure. And I think I heard him say he wont be riding his bike for a little while.
***Also our lovely daughter feed Nic's phone a blue popsicle so it is currently out of commission right now. If you need to talk to him please call my cell at 801-388-4277 or email him at***
Nic may be the cool one on the right, but I've got the hots for the sexy one on the left.
A couple of things:
1- My hair kicks ass. You're just jealous.
2- My daughter "Fed" a popsicle to my phone. She does not "feed" popsicles to phones any more!
3- Jason took all of these pictures. Thanks Jason!
4-My butt will be forgiving Kurtis in the next couple of days. I will then begin having fond memories of this trip.
I think my favorite part is when I click on a picture and it seemingly gets smaller.
Looks fun though!
Someone really should do something about posting on this blog?
photo Nic. How do I make my pumpkins less blurry. A stead hand and a tripod i get. Any other suggestions?
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