My wife's favorite book and my lovely daughter come together! The saddest part about the whole thing is that this is the first time that I've caught her with the camera while she's sitting up (my daughter, my wifes been sitting very well for quite some time now). She's growing up way too fast. We're going to go trick-or-treating tonight!!! I'm glad to have an excuse to go again!
I gotta say that these were some of the most fun pictures that I've ever taken. These cousins were absolutely darling in their little monkey outfits. I'm thinking that maybe I might get one of these outfits to wear when I'm monkeying around with the camera!!!
You gotta love reflection pond shots. Twice as pretty you might say (or twice as bad with me pushing the button once in a while). I really like how the sun was back over the couple's shoulder, really lighting up their backs and left side. Haven't shown the couple yet, but I'm really excited for them to see these shots!